What is dispersion trench? A dispersion trench is a stormwater facility designed to receive stormwater runoff and disperse it evenly through vegetated areas on your project site. Dispersion Trench : In this effluent is allowed to enter into a masonry chamber called dispersion box. From dispersion box effluent is uniformly distributed through an underground network of open jointed pipes into absorption trenches, called dispersion trench What is the difference between dispersion and infiltration? A dispersion trench is much like an infiltration trench, except the top is designed to allow for sheet flow of stormwater. This is used where infiltration is not achievable, or there is sufficient vegetated flow path for stormwater dissipation. What is the size of the dispersion trench? Maximum length of trench shall not exceed 50 feet from the inlet sump. General sizing criteria: 10 feet of trench for every 700 square feet of roof area. Minimum 25 foot vegetated flo...