A reciprocating pump converts mechanical energy into hydraulic energy.

It does it by sucking liquid inside a stationary cylinder using thrust, a piston or a plunger.

Reciprocating pumps are also called positive displacement pumps or piston pumps because of the use of a piston or plunger during pumping.

Reciprocating pumps are used where a precise amount of fluid is required to be delivered, also where the delivery pressure required is higher than can be achieved with other types.

The fluid is moved by the means of a piston that travels in a cylinder.

The piston of a reciprocating piston pump goes back and forth in a cylinder. With the help of a connecting rod, the piston is connected to the crankshaft.

 The connecting rod moves as the crankshaft rotates, causing this piston to move.

Types of Reciprocating Pumps

Single-acting reciprocating pump: This has one suction valve and one discharge valve.

Double-acting reciprocating pump: Unlike a single acting pump, here there are two suction and delivery valves

Components of Reciprocating Pump

The main components of reciprocating pump are as follows:

1.     Suction Pipe

2.     Suction Valve

3.     Delivery Pipe

4.     Delivery Valve

5.     Cylinder

6.     Piston and Piston Rod

7.     Crank and Connecting Rod

8.     Strainer

 Working of Reciprocating Pump

  • When the power source is connected to crank, the crank will start rotating and connecting rod also displaced along with crank.
  • The piston connected to the connecting rod will move in linear direction. If crank moves outwards then the piston moves towards its right and create vacuum in the cylinder.
  • This vacuum causes suction valve to open and liquid from the source is forcibly sucked by the suction pipe into the cylinder.
  • When the crank moves inwards or towards the cylinder, the piston will move towards its left and compresses the liquid in the cylinder.
  • Now, the pressure makes the delivery valve to open and liquid will discharge through delivery pipe.

Uses of Reciprocating Pump

Reciprocating pump is mainly used for

  • Oil drilling operations
  • Pneumatic pressure systems
  • Light oil pumping.



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