Plane table surveying


Plane table surveying is a graphical method of survey in which the field observations and plotting are done simultaneously.

It is simple and cheaper than Theodolite survey but it is mostly suitable for small scale survey.

What are the situations where plane table survey is used?

It can be useful in the following situations: 

 You need to perform small-scale surveying, like mapping out a field. You need to survey an industrial area where a compass survey doesn't get any result. You need to fill in details between survey stations that are fixed by a triangulation or theodolite traversing method.

 What is alidade in plane table surveying?


(i)             An Alidade is an instrument used for sighting the point in plane table surveying.

(ii)                One edge of the ruler is beveled or Fiducial and other is graduated (used for drawing line of sight).

(iii)      It is a wooden or brass ruler of 50-60 cm in length. Two vanes are hinged at its two ends i.e Object vane and sight vane

What are the three methods of plane table survey?


Plane table surveying Methods.


intersection or triangulation,

traversing, and resection are the four primary approaches to plane table surveying

 What are the different types of plane table?

Methods of Plane Table Surveying

·         Radiation.

·         Intersection.

·         Traversing.

·         Resection

 What are the advantages of plane table surveying?

The plane table is an instrument used for surveying by a graphical method in which the fieldwork and plotting are done simultaneously. The main advantage of plane table surveying is that the topographic features to be mapped are in full view. It is most suitable for small and medium-scale mapping (1:10000 to 1:250000).


What is the size of plane table?

Size: 750 X 600 X 15mm,

 Which is the best method of plane table surveying?

Among the following, traversing is adopted in the usual manner.

It involves a very simple procedure and also gives more accurate values when compared to other processes.


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